The nights are getting shorter…..Christmas must be coming!

I’m starting to gather ideas for the ‘Get Ready for Christmas’ workshop my sister Helen and I will be running in October. We’ve had bouts of thunder, lightening and heavy rain all day so perhaps Winter isn’t so far off. No, wait… Glastonbury has just started…..and Wimbledon is well underway; that’s why it’s raining!

It does seem a bit odd to be sorting through Christmas fabric and patterns but it will take me a while to get lots of samples made so it’s important to start now. I did start and finish a few things over the last couple of years; here’s my ‘Let it snow’ wall-hanging.


I have also made some fabric baskets which are great to fill with home-made jams, toiletries or fabrics and sewing bits (that would be my choice!)


Time to get cracking (oh and along with my daughter’s quilt which just needs binding and piecing a quilt top for our cottage’s main bedroom).

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